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System Accounting

XYNet CDPD Administrative Office

Xynet Software Technologies, Inc.

The XYNet CDPD Administrative Office (CDPD/AO) is a comprehensive suiteof applications designed to address the accounting requirements of CDPDservice providers of all sizes. CDPD/AO release 2.0 includes thefollowing products:CDPD/AO Customer Service provides CDPD Service Providers with completeadministrative control over their customer and subscriber accounts,including full integration with CDPD/AO NEI activation to assignsubscribers to home MD-IScs in order to allocate and manage their NEIs.The CDPD/AO Accounting Server provides accounting interoperabilitybetween service providers conforming to the CDPD Specification Part 630.CDPD/AO Service Providers and Networks provides CDPD Service providerswith the CDPD Administrative Office foundation modules, including alldatabase tables and configuration utilities for defining Serviceproviders and Service Provider Networks.

Language: SQL,C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Sun(TM) SPARCstation(TM) or SPARCserver(TM) w/1GB hard disk plus Solaris(R) 2.2, SYBASE SQL Server 4.9.2, SYBASE Open Server
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.2

Xynet Software Technologies, Inc.
1534 N Moorpark Rd Ste 414
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: (805) 371-3632
Fax: (805) 371-4571